Author: wpdev

The Making of ‘Sirius B’

The Music - Making Of Sirius B - Filming The Music Video Written By Kymrie It was February in 2023, and we had just attended our very first in person Folk Alliance International conference in Kansas City, MO… and it was freezing! Literally. We had a plan, a...

The Journey of Mobius Barnaby

Ex error omnium interpretaris pro, alia illum ea vim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te ridens gloriatur temporibus qui, per enim veritus probatus ad. Quo eu etiam exerci dolore, usu ne omnes referrentur. Ex eam diceret denique, ut legimus similique vix, te equidem apeirian definitionem...

The Journey of Tristan Dafoe

Ex error omnium interpretaris pro, alia illum ea vim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te ridens gloriatur temporibus qui, per enim veritus probatus ad. Quo eu etiam exerci dolore, usu ne omnes referrentur. Ex eam diceret denique, ut legimus similique vix, te equidem apeirian definitionem...

The Journey of Reuben Loire

Ex error omnium interpretaris pro, alia illum ea vim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te ridens gloriatur temporibus qui, per enim veritus probatus ad. Quo eu etiam exerci dolore, usu ne omnes referrentur. Ex eam diceret denique, ut legimus similique vix, te equidem apeirian definitionem...

Letter 1: From The Heart Collectors 10th March – 2024

These letters chronicle The Heart Collectors' journey across the United States - a day-by-day diary, originally shared with close friends and family back home in Australia, to keep our connection alive. While some parts have been edited, this is a private communication meant for readers...

First Look’ at No Separation Official Video

No Separation unfolds as a delicate vocal duet with an intricate descending acoustic guitar line. The harmonies build as the song expands thematically, opening out to a cello line with Celtic lilt. The song is about trusting the free fall of love beyond all difficulty,...

Longmont Public Media in Colorado

Longmont Public Media Story: Life on the road has a rhythm all its own, an amazing symphony of serendipity and wonder that no composer could ever fully orchestrate. Each twist and turn, each town, holds the promise of a story waiting to unfold—woven by unseen hands...

Homecoming Garden Concert 2024

As an Innersphere member, we’ll be giving you clips and stories that show you more about where we are from in Hinterland Byron Bay, Australia. For our first release, we are sharing an exclusive recording of our last garden concert, for our homecoming after 9 months...

Where We Live

We wish to acknowledge the Ngandowal and Minyungbal speaking people of the Bundjalung Country, in particular the Goodjinburra, Tul-gi-gin and Moorung - Moobah clans, as being the traditional owners and custodians of the land and waters within the Tweed Shire boundaries. We also acknowledge and respect...

The Journey of Kymrie Henge

Ex error omnium interpretaris pro, alia illum ea vim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te ridens gloriatur temporibus qui, per enim veritus probatus ad. Quo eu etiam exerci dolore, usu ne omnes referrentur. Ex eam diceret denique, ut legimus similique vix, te equidem apeirian definitionem...