The Space Between Compress

The Space Between Compress

Artist: The Heart Collectors
Label: The Space Between
Release Date: 2024-06-01
Available Now On:
1. Energy
Buy Track
2. Evergreen
3. Sirius B
4. The Garden
5. Stand Up (Live From The Studio)
6. Travellers
7. Where Light Rests
8. Helplessly Hoping (Live From The Aquarius Festival)
About New Album

The Heart Collectors 5th studio album THE SPACE BETWEEN is a tapestry of nuanced nostalgia, heartfelt reverence, and Cosmic Folk Pop. Journeying through elements of ‘past, present and future’, the album is a mix of new compositions, songs re-worked from the band’s (now unavailable) first album, and a carefully curated selection of covers that exemplify the bands highly skilled musicianship.