Longmont Public Media in Colorado

Longmont Public Media in Colorado

Longmont Public Media Story:

Life on the road has a rhythm all its own, an amazing symphony of serendipity and wonder that no composer could ever fully orchestrate. Each twist and turn, each town, holds the promise of a story waiting to unfold—woven by unseen hands into the tapestry of our journey. We always move forward with open hearts and the intention to connect with those we meet along the way. And hearts are always there, waiting to be collected…

It was July 16th, 2024, a sun-drenched Colorado day, when our bus glided into Longmont (a town just west of Boulder), and rounded the corner to Longmont’s Public Media. Tristan was navigating us toward our next opportunity: spontaneous in person promotion to the local radio station – a ritual in every town we visit. Local radio stations are the rivers and streams leading to new audiences and new friendships around the world. When preceding emails and phone calls don’t yield responses, nothing matches the power of showing up in person, album in hand, with our buoyant “Hi! We’re The Heart Collectors!”

The sign read ‘Longmont Public Media’. A promising name for what we thought was a radio station… The four of us stepped up to the impressive wooden doors of the building, their grandeur telling a story of their own. Swinging the doors open, we were greeted by Tim Ostdiek, whose warm smile made us feel like he’d been expecting us all along. We offered our album and shared our ‘Heart Collector’ introduction. “Come on in,” Tim said, with a warm, contagious enthusiasm. We immediately felt welcome and the connection was strong. Whatever this place was, we felt like we were in the right place. As we followed him in and he began an impromptu tour, (still under the impression we’d arrived at a radio station), we walked through a labyrinth of creativity: office rooms, creative studio suites, a cavernous production room that could rival any television studio, podcast studios. On and on it went. It wasn’t until we returned to the main foyer that we finally asked, “So… this isn’t a radio station?”. Tim chuckled, shaking his head – no… Longmont Public Media, he explained, was a creative community media hub – a haven for creators of all kinds. They held the town council’s contract to broadcast civic events as part of their exchange for occupying the building, but filled all extra time and space by empowering the community – hosting classes about TV and media production, lending equipment and offering a space for creatives to gather and work, and to be empowered to take their dreams to the next level. Membership was accessible to anyone with a modest fee unlocking a world of possibilities.

We were awestruck. Here we were thinking we’d found the local community radio station, yet had stumbled into the most extraordinarily creative and inclusive environment! Tim listened intently as we shared our own story – our music, our journey, our philosophy, all the while feeling a growing connection between our purpose and creative expression. By the time we’d finished, he extended an invitation – “come play tonight at a brewery. Meet some of my friends.” That evening, the seeds of a beautiful relationship were planted. Over the following days, Longmont Public Media became more than a stop on our tour, or a possible radio promotion… It became a home away from home. Tim, Robby Layton, Phil Hainline, Cece Joyjoy, and many others opened their hearts and doors to us – opportunities we hadn’t even known existed in this part of the country. Their generosity shining in every shared story, every borrowed piece of equipment, every laugh over late-night conversations. We’d found the heart pulse of Longmont and this surrounding area of beautiful Colorado.

As we were to remain in Colorado for several weeks, on July 25th, we were invited to perform at Longmont Public Media’s ‘Comfy Couch Sessions’ – a live-streamed series produced by Robby and Phil. Some of our fans later described it as “studio-quality from start to finish,” a testament to the skill and dedication, particularly of Phil, whose background in NYC theatrical stages lent the production an undeniable polish. Phil, enamoured with our sound and spirit, quickly became an ally and advocate of The Heart Collectors. At our next show in Boulder, he hatched a grand plan: a dedicated segment on The Heart Collectors, blending interviews and performance in Longmont Public Media’s main studio. The offer was irresistible and plans were set in motion to co-create this special event.

The day of the shoot felt like stepping into another world – a Hollywood dream brought to life. Volunteers bustled about the studio, adjusting lights and checking sound levels, while Cece, ever the consummate host, kept her distance to preserve the spontaneity of our interview (however we snuck in some pre-interview laughs to break the ice). When the cameras rolled, she lived up to her name – “Cece and the Joy Joy,” drawing out stories, laughs and insights we’d never shared before. The result was magic and we can’t wait to share it with the world when the time comes.

Over our weeks in incredible Colorado, we feel like we forged a bond and many beautiful connections with these folk. So many other amazing opportunities sprung forth during our time there near Boulder, and we know it all started with this amazing and spontaneous connection with Longmont Public Media. Looking back, it’s hard to believe all this stemmed from a single knock on a wooden door. Yet that’s the beauty of the road – its endless potential for connection. Longmont Public Media isn’t just a media centre, nor is it a radio station… It’s a breathing, beating heart of its community, a place where relationships flourish and creativity thrives. Viva Longmont Public Media, and the power of local communities!

We dropped back in as we hit the road exiting Colorado – hugging friends and until next time… As we left that day resounding our experiences in Colorado, we recounted all the experiences, the trove of valuable footage for the band, the amazing opportunities, and most of all the friendships we will reassure on into the future.

“Everything is energy. The more you give, the more you receive.” – Song – Energy, The Heart Collectors

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